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Sunday, June 08, 2008

There's a change in the air

Barack Obama,
Here is something I never thought I would see in my lifetime, a Democratic black man defeating a white Democratic woman then him running against a conservative republican runner, the mind boggles at the money that has been spent just to decide the runners, its a pity they have that kind of money to put into telling the people how great it will be under them.
What all of us have to put up until November is these two leaders telling us why the he is not the right person and I am the one to lead America .we have to listen to more diatribes from both Barack Obama and John McCain. Its not just the American people who will have this on the nightly news in the paper etc but all of us will get our share, true the lions share will be directed to voter.
One of the things I do not understand is why a president can not run for more than two terms in the US If he/she is good enough why not let them be re-elected, that seems to be more democratic way of doing things. After all a president is in effect a lame duck in his/her final two years the way things are now, still it’s a system America seems to enjoy, now if only they put a higher value on their voting. Maybe they will get more out to vote this time around.
I guess only having two terms it stops dictators, then again many free countries do ok with a choice. Just think you may rob yourselves of a great leader and replace him/her with a not so great one and that has been done before

The other thing that’s always bothered me about the US system is you can be mayor governor or leader of the largest company but if you where not born in the USA you are not concidered good enough to be president which is odd when you think about some of the past leaders. This is NOT anti-american ,its just my opinion.

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