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Monday, October 23, 2006

Holden Blimp

Last week my hubby went up in the Holden Airship (blimp) and was bowled over with the experience. He said it was like sailing, and in fact you ride the breeze, including turbulence.

One of the radio jocks here, mentioned it on air last week too, said his wife said "Look at the blimp! It's awesome" and he said "No! It's a big ad," and he refused to look at it. FFS!

Now hubby organised through a lot of string pulling to get this radio jock up in the air, but this bloke has again refused, saying "it's just an ad" oh come on now, get over yourself and the high moral ground, and take the opportunity when it's offered. Makes a great story over dinner if nothing else?

I can't understand people who are so pure and moral that they cant bear to sully themselves with a grand opportunity when you are given one on a plate.

Obviously we know that he cant mention the blimp on air, that’s wasn’t the bloody point, we don’t need to push Holden’s advertising along, not our problem, we were just being friendly and open.

Hey radio jock, don’t get a nosebleed perched up on the higher moral ground.


You just can’t help some people.
See video here.....

1 comment:

dieter said...

Some people have a high horse they like to get on now and then.

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