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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Monday, January 28, 2008

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Italian Wedding Night

Maria had just gotten married, and being a traditional Italian she was
still a virgin. On her wedding night, staying at her mother's house,
she was very nervous. Her mother reassured her, "Don't worry,
Maria,Tony's a good man.
Go upstairs and he'll take care of you. Meanwhile, I'll be > making

So, uppa she went. When she got upstairs, Tony took off his shirt and >
exposed his hairy chest. Maria ran downstairs to her mother and says,
"Mama, Mama, Tony's got a big hairy chest." "Don't worry, Maria," says
the mother, "all good men have hairy chests. Go upstairs. He'll take
good care of you." So, uppa she went again.

When she got up in the bedroom, Tony took off his pants exposing his
hairy legs. Again, Maria ran downstairs to her mother. "Mama, Mama,
Tony took off his pants and he's got hairy legs!" "Don't worry! All
good men have hairy legs. Tony's a good man. Go upstairs and he'll
take good care of you."

So, uppa she went again. When she got there, Tony took off his socks
and on his left foot he was missing three toes.
When Maria saw this, she ran downstairs. "Mama, Mama, Tony's got a foot
and a half!" Her mama said, "Stay here and stir the pasta..."

Friday, January 04, 2008

The fire season had to come.

Victoria will burn until April.
By Catherine Best | January 03, 2008

VICTORIAN fire authorities are warning of a long, perilous bushfire season and say massive swathes of grassland in western and central Victoria are ready to burn.

After a run of 40-degree-plus temperatures and with eight bushfires burning, state fire services today declared extreme fire conditions would prevail at least until April.

Fire chiefs urged people to be prepared, warning the conditions posed a risk to homes in coastal and provincial areas and on Melbourne's fringe.

Acting Premier Rob Hulls said the Otways, the Dandenongs and the Macedon ranges were at high risk.
"These areas are very dry, and in many cases, of course, they are densely populated," he said.

"The hot and dry conditions could lead to very intense and also fast-moving fires in densely populated areas."

Victorians could expect even more extreme fire days this season and with blazes moving fast they must be prepared early, Mr Hulls said.

"We all remember the devastating effect of last year's bushfires.

"Initially ignited by massive lightning strikes, last year's fires grew to a series of 83 fires that burnt over 1.48 million hectares of land, destroying more than 51 homes and resulting in significant loss of livestock."

Late today, five fires continued to burn out of control in East Gippsland and three had been contained. The three fires causing most concern were around Buchan and at Lightning Track, north of Orbost.

Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) chief officer Ewan Waller said fire crews did not expect to have the blazes under control by the weekend, when temperatures in the mid 30s are forecast.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Here is another opinion.

For arguments sake or for the sake of an argument .Today I heard on national radio.One Australian Government minister who is no longer in power give his views on the alleged reason for the 'coalition of the willing' ha ha.invading Iraq was for oil and plenty think that way.
I think what he said makes sense,If the US and its western partners where only after oil they could have dealt with Saddam Hussein, after all he wanted to sell the oil and although he did not like countries like America he had been selling to them for a long time at the going rate. It would have save hundreds of millions of dollars at least, not to mention around 4000 young men and women and god only knows how many Iraqi civilians.
No oil was not the main factor , however I am sure its becoming one now that oil has reached $100us a barrel.
What are/where the real reasons ?I don't really know .I guess Bush or one of his henchmen will write a book and maybe,just maybe the truth will come out, don't hold your breath though.
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